It is easy to focus on the negative side of these COVID times. But there are positive aspects to these days. All outdoor rinks are getting well used. Families are out skating together. Community members are helping to maintain the ice surfaces, clearing the snow off the rinks. It is like a return to simpler times.
As social gatherings are not allowed, families have to come up with activities to keep everyone engaged. And thus, skating, snow shoeing, sliding, skiing, both downhill and cross country, and plain and simple walking, are all making a resurgence. Being outside is good for everyone, whether as part of a family, a couple, or alone.
Inside activities are expanding to game nights, reading, getting involved in crafts, and journaling. Students are home until Jan. 17 at least, and after time online, they need a break from screens. Adults also need to monitor that screen time, especially if they are working from home online.
For people living alone, reaching out to others is crucial at this time. People living alone are allowed to join in one social bubble outside of their home. And for the rest of us, reaching out to those living alone, is important too. All in all, connecting to each other and connecting to nature, will get us through to the end of yet another wave.