The Arts Sutton Gallery is showing off its newest batch of outstanding art this month from all manner of local artists in its new Renouveau exposition. The member’s showcase, taking place twice a year, features works of all shapes and sizes, with viewers able to feast their eyes on life-sized wood sculptures and meticulously handcrafted embroidery!
Mainly featured however is the beautiful diversity of paintings in all mediums and styles that make up a majority of the 58 pieces on display.
Sutton’s art center invites people to come and enjoy this wonderful collage of works, which opened on May 8 at 2 p.m.
With such a colourful mix of artwork, exhibition manager Dominique Parent recounted the struggle of how to compose the layout of the exhibit in a way where each work complements another, like a puzzling art piece in itself.
The group diligently sets up the lighting, displays, and banners all in an effort to give each work of art its own perfect spotlight.
Creating harmony out of the chaos of clashing colours is certainly no easy task but as a result, viewers will come to find themselves drifting from canvas to canvas with awe and ease.
The gallery features a fantastic opportunity for local artists to show off their work to the community with every piece being for sale for those looking to bring home a piece of the magic.
As many artists may know, getting your name out there can be one of the hardest parts of the job, but with anyone being able to apply online to be featured in the gallery, and with only one rejection ever in the history of the program, their work is most certainly a boon to talented creators looking to show off their work.
Many of the artists participating such as John Davidson and Kylie Sandford also participate in the yearly Tour des Arts event hosted by the art center.
In it, the gallery features samples from its participating creators, and those who like what they see can go visit the artist’s studio and explore what it’s all about!
This year’s tour starts on July 14 and those interested can take the opportunity to drive around the beautiful countryside and maybe even buy a piece from their favourite artist.
Arts Sutton also hosts a winter exhibit contest where artists can submit their work, all judged by a jury of fellow art enthusiasts.
The winner of the contest is awarded the main prize of their very own mini solo exhibit, one of the features the gallery hosts periodically with many of its local artists.
This year they also hope to work with UQAM’s masters in studio art students to show off the work of up- and-coming artists in the area, with a desire expressed to extend these collaborations to other art schools in the future.