Last Monday at the Oddfellows Hall in Knowlton, the Order of the Eastern Star’s Chapter No. 17 met for the first time in two years. No visitors from other chapters were invited and there were no refreshments for the evening. Still, it was good to see everyone after a two-year absence. Hopefully by next month, things will be more relaxed in relation to COVID rules.
Many years ago the White Rose Chapter in Farnham joined in with Cowansville Chapter No. 17 and every April the White Rose Chapter is remembered. The last member of White Rose Chapter, Adelaide Lanktree was presented with a bouquet of white roses. She has been a member of the Order of the Eastern Star for over 70 years!
Robert Mayhew was given a 25-year service pin. His 25 years was achieved last year but there were no meetings. He was honoured last Monday night.
Next fall will mark the one 100th anniversary of Cowansville Chapter No. 17.
A celebration of some sort will occur. Members are putting on their thinking caps for the next meeting to come up with ideas.